Today (Saturday) In-Person Townhall on Howard Terminal Project

Dear District 3 residents, businesses, and organizations,

I will be hosting a town hall this Saturday from 9-11am in order to hear your thoughts about the proposed Howard Terminal Project!

For months, we have heard from D3 constituents about the ways in which this development will impact the kind of city they want to live in. We would like to give one more opportunity for the district to gather and share thoughts before the Council votes on July 20th.

The town hall will be in-person at Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church, 1188 12th Street Oakland, between Magnolia and Adeline. We will be practicing social distancing, and masks will be required. Priority will be placed on affected District 3 residents. Please bring a piece of mail with your name and D3 address to be placed on the comment list.

Please join us and tell us what you think! You can RSVP at this link, but it is not necessary in order to attend. Hope to see you there!

In Solidarity,

Carroll Fife